Why the project is needed
Water is vital to health and wellbeing, to the economic prosperity of the East of England, and to maintaining a thriving natural environment that we can all enjoy.
Yet we face growing challenges to supply. Our region is low-lying, one of the driest in the UK, and especially vulnerable to a changing climate. Drought is set to become more common amid hotter, drier summers, and intense rainfall events more frequent.
To meet these challenges, we all have to play our part in balancing the needs of society, business, and the environment to enable a sustainable future.
We’re already working on new strategic pipelines to move water from wetter to drier parts of our region, installing smart meters in customers’ homes, and driving down leakage.
While all the investments we’re making today will help to keep taps running, the available supply will fall well below the demand for water unless we plan for future resources now.

A new reservoir in the Fens
The proposed new reservoir in the Fens has been identified as a large-scale investment in new water resources that we need and will play a critical role in securing water supply long into the future.
Reservoirs provide a level of resilience, volume of water, and environmental opportunities that other sources such as desalination or water reuse do not.
When we looked at where we might best build reservoirs across our broader region, we identified rivers in both Lincolnshire and the Fens areas as having enough water available.
Providing two large new reservoirs, one in each area, would give sufficient water supply to enable resilience to future droughts, while protecting our most sensitive environments.
Together, the two reservoirs will make the most of the available resources and provide water to local communities and businesses across our region, including in Cambridgeshire.

Get in touch
Contact the project team today.
Freephone: 0800 915 2492
Email: info@fensreservoir.co.uk
Post: Freepost Fens Reservoir
Useful documents
You can view and download our project documents here
A guide to our proposals and phase two consultation brochure
DownloadPhase two consultation - associated water infrastructure proposals
DownloadPhase two consultation - main site design brochure
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